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All Good Things Must Come to an End: Reasons a Trust Might Terminate

Nothing lasts forever. While trusts can stretch across generations and keep valuable money and property within a family, no trust has unlimited funds or an…

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Will My Spouse Get What They Need?

What is a QTIP trust? A qualified terminable interest property (QTIP) trust is an estate planning tool that married couples can use to minimize uncertainty…

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Common Trusts: Parenting beyond the Grave

Parents strive to make their children feel equally valued as reflected in the fact that, when setting up an estate plan, parents typically divide their…

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Five Questions to Ask Yourself about Your Social Media Presence

Social media is about putting yourself out there to connect with people, sometimes all over the world. If you are a social media influencer, not…

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Should Your Trust Include a Statement of Intent?

The reasons you choose to create a trust are personal and important to you, but your intent or purpose for creating a trust can also…

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What To Expect At Your First Attorney Meeting

When you’ve been injured in a car, truck, or other type of accident, you’ll have many questions about the litigation process. Which doctors should you…

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